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  • Do your animals free range?
    Yes, all of the animals on the farm free range and are treated with dignity and respect - keeping them happy and healthy!
  • Do your products contain any added chemicals, medications, or preservatives?
    Nope. We worm our livestock on an as needed basis. That's it. No hormones, steroids, or preservatives are added to our products.
  • Does anyone eat goat meat anyway? What about rabbit?
    You might be surprised to learn that goat meat is one of the most widely consumed meat products in the world, and it's delicious! It's not unlike beef, it's leaner, and it's better for you. Rabbit was once a household staple in the United States, and was pushed aside only because chicken bones are more breakable, and easier to work with. These days we'll sell you a rabbit that's already been pieced out, so it doesn't matter! It's a rich and delicious white meat that's still very popular around the world, and there are hundreds of ways to cook it.
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